It's the weekend - woooop! But before we all shoot off, let's head to Norway for today's home tour. This space belongs to Nina H...
An idyllic Finnish cottage with an outdoor summer kitchen
As January comes to a close and the short, snowy days continue, I find myself dreaming of the summer sun more and more. And when it arrives...
The home of a Swedish Fashion designer
I started to work from home this year. It certainly has its merits - pretty much everything in the house is whirring around me - the washing...
A striking Danish home with a calm feel
The 'Sense of Scandinavia' is built 'of vast landscapes and raw seasons, of cosy shared moments and the world's happiest peo...
Could you go all out geometric?
At the start of the week you're a allowed to go a little all out don't you think?! That's why I wanted to share this home in The...
A serene norwegian space for the weekend
It's the weekend - woooop! Any great plans? To me weekends are for kicking back and getting away from it all ( OK, and the odd glass of ...
Details from a lovely, relaxed and vibrant family home
After yesterday's 'man cave' (aka the fabulous Stockholm home of a fashion stylist), I thought today it was only fair to go for...